The Media Against
Sexual Violence Project

“Over 70% of respondents admitted that the media influences their idea of sexual violence and how they respond to it.”

"Promoting Consent Culture"

The Media Against Sexual Violence Project is a HACEY Health Initiative project sponsored by the US Consulate in Nigeria that equips traditional and digital media practitioners with the right knowledge on consent, sexual assault and resources for support of survivors. Through the MASV Project, media practitioners learn how to use their platforms to inform the public on consent and sexual assault and support for survivors of sexual assault.

"Consent Is Not"


The media plays a significant role in shaping all aspects of culture, including what is appropriate and what isn’t on consent, sexual assault and sexual violence. In a recent survey in Lagos, over 70% of respondents admitted that what they hear, see and read in the media influenced their perception of sexual violence and how to respond to sexual violence. How the media reports consent and sexual assault affects the public’s knowledge and perception of sexual assault and how to respond to survivors.